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Work-Life Leadership: Managing Self and Others for Well-being On and Off the Job

Il giorno 29 marzo 2019, dalle ore 10 alle ore 12, presso la meeting room del Dipartimento si terrà il seminario dal titolo "Work-Life Leadership: Managing Self and Others for Well-being On and Off the Job", tenuto da Ellen Kossek (Krannert School of Management Purdue University).

Il seminario si svolge nell'ambito delle attività del Corso di Dottorato in Psicologia e Neuroscienze Sociali.



Abstract: “Dr. Kossek’s lecture will discuss actions leaders can take to take to proactively create a culture of work-life being for employees and organizations. She will discuss the scientific and social trends making work-life relationships a critical workplace mental health issue, and how
individuals and leaders need to proactively manage themselves, work-life technology boundaries, and their subordinates through work-life supportive actions in a 24-7 world.”



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