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Becoming expert: The time course of written word learning in developing readers

Il giorno 20 Luglio 2022 alle ore 11 presso l'aula 1 la dott.ssa Anne Castles ( Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University) terrà il seminario dal titolo: “Becoming expert: Thetime course of written word learning in developing readers

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Becoming expert: The time course of written word learning in developing readers

The scientific study of reading has taught us much about its foundations, with clear evidence that the gateway to reading opens when children are able to decode, or ‘sound out’ written words. Similarly, there is a large evidence base charting the cognitive processes that characterise skilled word recognition in adults. However, less well understood is how children develop word reading expertise: once basic reading skills are in place, what factors are critical for children to move from novice to expert? In this talk I will outline a series of studies addressing this question, in which we use experimental learning paradigms to track the journey of a word from unfamiliar to familiar, and explore the conditions that support this transition. The results are used to build a detailed account of the phases of lexical acquisition, which may inform reading instruction and interventions for struggling readers.