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Seminario Flavia Cirimele

Latent Growth Curve Models

il Corso di Dottorato in "Psicologia e Neuroscienze Sociali", curriclum POP organizza un seminario che si terrà il 28 febbraio presso l'aula 4 di via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:00 alle 18:00.

Titolo del seminario: “Analyzing Latent Growth Curve Models in Mplus” 

Speaker: Flavia Cirimele (Università di Palermo)




The course "Analyzing Latent Growth Curve Models in Mplus" provides an introduction to Latent
Growth Curve Modeling (LGCM), a powerful approach within the structural equation modeling
framework for analyzing change and growth in longitudinal data.
The course aims to establish a solid foundation by (1) exploring the conceptual basis of LGCM and
how it accommodates key features of longitudinal data, (2) identifying the types of research
questions that can be addressed using LGCM, (3) demonstrating practical applications of LGCM in
answering these questions.
The course will offer participants the opportunity to practice LGCM using Mplus. The lecturer will
provide real longitudinal data to guide participants through model implementation, addressing
potential issues that may arise and demonstrating how to resolve them when modeling growth
curves. Results will be illustrated and discussed to enhance understanding and interpretation.
Participants are required to bring a laptop with Mplus installed.

Data notizia
