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Cognitive approaches to the identification of children with dyslexia

Il giorno 15 Luglio 2022 alle ore 10 presso l'aula I la dott.ssa Anne Castles (Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University) terrà il seminario dal titolo: “Cognitive approaches to the identification of children with dyslexia”.

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Cognitive approaches to the identification of children with dyslexia

The single term “dyslexia” is widely used to describe the condition of children with a reading problem that is unexpected given their educational opportunities. However, researchers and clinicians have long been aware that dyslexia is not a single “syndrome”, but is highly heterogeneous. This is hardly surprising: A child having difficulty acquiring such a complex skill as reading will be likely to do so in an equally complex range of ways. In this talk, I will argue that, in order to capture this heterogeneity and ensure that interventions are appropriately targeted, it is important that the assessment and identification of dyslexia be carried out in the context of detailed cognitive models of reading. Supporting my case, I will provide examples of specific profiles of reading impairment in dyslexia that would not have been identified if not for the application of cognitive models. I will focus my talk around three major areas of reading difficulty: phonological reading difficulties, lexical reading difficulties, and letter-level reading difficulties.