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Convergence and discrepancy among informants

Il giorno 24 Maggio 2023 alle ore 10, nell'ambito del Corso di Dottorato in Neuroscienze Cognitive e Sociali, si terrà il seminario dal titolo : "Convergence and discrepancy among informants"

Speaker: Antonio Zuffianò 




Collecting data from several informants is a recommended practice in psychological assessment to obtain a comprehensive profile of people's strengths and weaknesses. However, the level of agreement across informants is relatively modest and the sources of such discrepancies are not yet fully understood. In this seminar, we will review the main factors underlying informant discrepancies and we explore the different statistical approaches to model such differences. We will also discuss the practical implications of these findings for designing psychological instruments across different informants and contexts (e.g., home versus school). 




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