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Lunedì 3 Giugno 2019 alle ore 14 presso la meeting room del Dipartimento il prof. Hakan Ozcelik (California State University) terrà il seminario dal titolo "LONELY AND INVISIBLE: BEHAVIORAL JUDGMENTS ABOUT AND NEURAL RESPONSES TO LONELY EMPLOYEES"

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Workplace loneliness is an interpersonal phenomenon involving lonely employees and the colleagues with whom they interact. This study focuses on other people's behavioral judgments about, and neural responses to, lonely employees. We draw on interaction ritual theory and loneliness research, to predict that because lonely employees do not provide the emotional energy others seek, they will evoke less of an affective neural response in others as compared to non-lonely employees.  Results of a social neuroscience experiment using fMRI imaging support our hypotheses that others are less interested in working with lonely employees, and that they register less neurologically, evoking lower levels of neural activation in the amygdala and hippocampus brain regions than do non-lonely employees. Thus, despite their strong need for interpersonal connection, lonely employees are more likely to be overlooked, becoming interpersonally "invisible." These results have significant implications for research and practice.

Hakan Ozcelik is a Professor of Management at the California State University, Sacramento. He received his Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He holds a double‐major degree in Management and Political Science, and an MBA from Bogazici University, in Istanbul, Turkey. He studies emotions in organizational life, focusing on topics such as discrete emotions, surface acting, leadership, emotional climate, decision making, cross-cultural communication, organizational neuroscience, and utilizing film-making to analyze workplace emotions. Professor Ozcelik has published his research in academic outlets such as Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Management Education, Research on Emotion in Organizations, Personnel Review, and the Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings; and presented his studies at several conferences. His research has also been featured or cited in popular press outlets such as New York Times, The Guardian, Fortune Magazine, Harvard Business Review, Comstock's Magazine, the Wharton School's business radio broadcast, The Washington Post, Society for Human Resource's Magazine, CNN, BBC, and Bloomberg. For his innovative efforts integrating his research and teaching, he has recently received the 2018-2019 CSU Faculty Innovation and Leadership Award. Professor Ozcelik also leads the Annual CBA Film Festival and the interdisciplinary CBA Organizational Wisdom Studio Project.

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