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Medical Traumatic Stress in a children’s hospital

Il giorno 11 Aprile alle ore 10:30 in aula XIV la prof.ssa Chris Verhaak (*) della Radboud University/ Amalia Children Hospital di  Nijmegen (Olanda) terrà un seminario dal titolo: "Medical Traumatic Stress in a children’s hospital".
La prof.ssa Verhaak è nostra ospite nell'ambito di un accordo Erasmus attivato dalla dottoressa Caterina Grano.



(*) Chris Verhaak (1959) is clinical psychologist and associate professor at Radboudumc Amalia Children's Hospital. Her research in children with serious medical conditions focus on mechanisms explaining the relationship between disease related factors, developmenatl outcomes and parental stress.
She published about 90 peer reviewed papers on ehealth interventions for children, riskfactors in adjsutment to pediatric diseases, screening on psychosocial risk factors, clinical practice of a children's hospital, and impact of infertility.
She is chair of the section children and adolescents of the department of Medical Psychology and director the child and family centered care of the Radboudumc. 

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