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Seminario Eva Garrosa Hernandez

La professoressa Eva Garrosa della Universidad Autonoma de Madrid terrà il 28 Giugno dalle 15 alle 16.30 una conferenza dal titolo: "The Role of Healthcare Professionals’ Passion in Predicting Secondary Traumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in the Face of COVID-19: Practical Implications".

La conferenza si terrà nell’aula riunioni del dipartimento e potrà essere seguita anche online via meet al seguente link




Eva Garrosa, Ph. D.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Head of the Research Group: Personality, Stress and Health. UAM
Teaching and research: Personality, Occupational Health Psychology and Gender


The Role of Healthcare Professionals’ Passion in Predicting Secondary Traumatic
Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in the Face of COVID-19: Practical Implications

COVID-19 has improved the likelihood of healthcare professionals suffering from
Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). However, the difficulty of this crisis may lead these
professionals to display personal resources, such as harmonious passion, that could be
involved in posttraumatic growth. The aim of this study is to examine the STS and
posttraumatic growth among healthcare professionals and the demands and resources
related to COVID-19. A longitudinal study was carried out in April 2020 (T1) and
December 2020 (T2). The participants were 172 health professionals from different
health organizations and they reported their workload, fear of contagion, lack of staff
and personal protection equipment (PPE), harmonious passion, STS and posttraumatic
growth. The results revealed that workload and fear of contagion in T2 were positive
predictors for STS, whereas harmonious passion was a negative predictor. Fear of
contagion of both times appeared to positively predict posttraumatic growth, as well as
harmonious passion. One moderation effect was found concerning the lack of staff/PPE,
as posttraumatic growth was higher when the workload was high, especially in those
with a high lack of staff/PPE. All in all, these findings pointed out the need for
preventative measures to protect these professionals from long-term negative
consequences. Healthcare organizations should urgently implement strategies to support
the wellbeing of the healthcare professionals affected by the pandemic, and develop
robust workforce plans in preparation for future pandemics.

Keywords: COVID-19; harmonious passion; healthcare professionals; posttraumatic
growth; practical implications; secondary traumatic stress