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Seminario Franco Fraccaroli

il giorno 13 giugno 2022 alle ore 11 presso l'aula 14 il prof. Franco Fraccaroli terrà il seminario dal “Job design nei nuovi contesti di lavoro”. 

Il seminario è organizzato dal Corso di Dottorato in Psicologia e Neuroscienze Sociali.




Job design is about the activities and decisions made about how to organize work tasks. This is a very popular field of study in occupational and organizational psychology (see: Grant et al., 2011; Parker et al., 2017).

Recently (Grant el at., 2010) attention has been paid to contextual factors that can influence and modify job design and the way it is perceived by male and female workers. Phenomena such as the aging of the employed population, the development of automation, the precariousness of the labor market, the flexibility of work over time and space are some examples of these context factors. The presentation will report a review of recent studies in this area and will outline some possible lines of development of psychological research.

Grant, A.M., Fried, Y., Parker, S.K. and Frese, M. (2010), Putting job design in context: Introduction to the special issue. J. Organiz. Behav., 31: 145-157. 

Grant, A. M., Fried, Y., & Juillerat, T. (2011) Work Matters: Job design in classic and contemporary perspectives.  In Zedeck, S. (Ed.), APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Building and developing the organization (pp. 417-453). Washington: American Psychological Association.  

Parker, S. K., Morgeson, F. P., & Johns, G. (2017). One hundred years of work design research: Looking back and looking forward. Journal of applied psychology102(3), 403-420.



