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Seminario Peter Malinowski

Giovedì 16 dicembre dalle 18:00 alle 19:30 si terrà il seminario tenuto dal visiting professor Prof. Peter Malinowski (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) dal titolo "Improved meta-cognitive processes after mindful breath-awareness meditation". L'incontro si svolgerà online su piattaforma Google Meet:

Improved meta-cognitive processes after mindful breath-awareness meditation

Many meditation systems – from traditional Buddhist to secular mindfulness-based approaches – promote attentional stability and meta-cognition as important foundations for progressing towards more transformative goals. After a brief introduction of the theoretical background, the talk will summarise relevant evidence, primarily focusing on EEG research into changes of attentional functions and meta-cognitive processes that emerge after just a few weeks of mindful breath-awareness meditation.


Peter Malinowski short bio:

Dr Peter Malinowski is a Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience and directs the Meditation Research Lab at LJMU's Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour.

He is the Programme Leader for LJMU's MSc Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Programme and co-directs LJMU's Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour.
In his work he builds on his experience of practicing and teaching meditation for more than 30 years and on his extensive expertise in Cognitive Neuroscience.
His research focuses on investigating the underlying mechanisms of meditation practice with the aim of understanding the resulting changes, ranging from physiological processes, to brain functions to subjective experience.
Dr Malinowski is particularly interested in advancing meditation as a preventative approach and a way of unveiling inherent psychological strengths and qualities of mind. With his work he furthermore aims to ensure that the potentially life-changing effects of meditation practices do not get lost through excessive commodification.
      In addition to research concerned with the underlying mechanisms of meditation, Dr Malinowski’s projects also take an applied focus, for example:
1) the role of mindfulness regarding appetite, eating behaviour and eating disorders
2) the question if and how regular meditation practice can help staying cognitively fit in older age,
3) if and how meditation training in the workplace can unfold beneficial effects,
4) whether mindfulness-based surgery preparation can improve recovery and prevent the development of post-operative pain and
5) the long-term effects of regular meditation practice on mind and brain.
6) the combination of mindfulness-based and positive psychology approaches in form of mindfulness-based strengths practice
    For achieving these aims he collaborates with colleagues across the globe, including the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, USA and Mexico.