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Social rescue of autism-related behaviours: The role of the piriform cortex

Lunedì 1 Ottobre alle ore 11 presso la meeting room del Dipartimento la dottoressa Amaicha Depino (Depto. Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular, University of Buenos Aires) terrà un seminario dal titolo: "Social rescue of autism-related behaviours: The role of the piriform cortex".

Ingresso libero. 



Amaicha Depino is Professor at the Department of Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology of the University of Buenos Aires and Principal Investigator at the Institute of Physiology, Molecular Biology and Neuroscience, CONICET.  She was awarded the John Kendrew Young Scientist Award (2011) and she is a member of the Young International Brain Research Organization Committee.

Amaicha’s research has shed evidence on the contribution of neuroinflammation on the development of behaviors related to psychiatric disorders such as autism, depression and anxiety. She works on mice and her lines of research are aimed at unraveling the cellular and molecular factors determining behavior and brain function.

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